Saturday, April 19, 2008

What a Blessing

We took a trip to Georgia to visit Seth's family, the beginning of April. The main reason for going out there was because he hadn't seen his Grandma in over 7 years and his Grandad in over 14 years. We arrived at midnight on Friday and the next day we went to see them. They were absolutely so sweet. The boys warmed up to his Grandma relatively quickly and she was so cute with them. Seth loved visiting with his Grandad as well. It was wonderful. However, a couple days after visiting with them his Grandad had to go to the ICU. We went to visit them in the hospital one more time. Since we don't go out to Georgia that often and his Grandad's health wasn't too great, Seth thought this would be the last time we would see him, but he was still hoping to maintain a relationship for a while. But 4 days after arriving home, his Grandad passed away. We are obviously very sad about that but just so grateful that Heavenly Father was letting him stay on earth until we were able to see him.

Just the boys
Seth's mom, Grandma and the boys


Christie // lemon squeezy home said...

That is really neat that he got to see him again before he passed away. At least you have that sweet memory now! I'm glad you had a good trip:).

Happy The Man said...

Seth, Brother Greg Baker blogging in from heck, Gagnons/Quicks and really back to Sandy Plains folks since we were in that ward.

My wife recognized your name and we checked the photos and sure enough it was you. So, 3 cute little guys (very close in age) huh? Wow, I bet that keeps you going! Nobody knows better than me...

Sorry to hear about your Grandpa. Anyway, just wanted to say, "hey" since I was lurking about.