Thursday, March 11, 2010

things i love this week

It seemed like anything else I wrote for my boys and Seth seemed extra silly next to what I wanted to share, so I'm just sharing what I love this week.

Being a mom. I know I take it for granted. I know there are so many who desire to be a mom but haven't had the chance yet and also so many who have lost children. Late last night I was wasting a little time online and somehow came across this site, it's all about a 2 year old girl who just passed away this week from a horrible form of cancer, that was only found in her less than a year ago. I was going thru older posts and read this (it's from less than a month ago as Layla was getting worse and worse)-

Towards the end of a pregnancy, a mother will wake up to go to the bathroom every few hours. I think this is the body’s way of preparing you for a newborn and the sleepless nights that come along with it. Layla now spends most of her days sleeping. 30-45 minutes after she wakes up, she is ready to lay down and sleep again. Is this God’s way of preparing me for all the quiet time that is coming soon? The house is quiet. I am able to go through the motions of laundry, dishes, cooking and picking up without interruptions. But I WANT interruptions. I WANT Layla to be under my feet asking for cookies. I WANT to hear her playing with her toys. I WANT to take 45 minutes to unload the dishwasher because she keeps trying to help. For every time I uttered the words “I just can’t get anything done with these kids under my feet all day” I am eternally regretful. The days that I looked forward to naptime so I could get a grocery list made, or finally fold all the piles of laundry…I regret those days too. If I could do it all again, I’d enjoy EVERY SINGLE WAKING MOMENT I had with her. I would never wish for her to sit still or take a nap or go to bed early. I would never look forward to the days when she could sit through an entire episode of Dora silently. I would treasure every second with her.
(you can find the entire post here)

I didn't even try to hold back the tears. I've been so amazingly blessed and need to do so much better at treasuring every moment with them. My dirty bathroom, sink full of dishes and computer can wait.


Christie // lemon squeezy home said...

Wow, yah, that just totally makes you cry. I've been thinking a LOT about this this past month. The other day it just hit me SO hard how fast it is going, and how much our home needs to be a place full of love and the precious time we have to teach them all the important stuff is just that--so precious! I have been trying super duper hard to be more patient and just spend more time with them. It's been an adjustment, but the feeling in our home is amazing. Thank you for sharing this, Dezi! I'm sure everyone feels like they can improve--I know I do!

AngiDe said...

Oh wow that is sad. THank you for the reminder to be thankful for every day we have together and to take in all the little details of the things your kids do.


Vannessa said...

Ohhh I loved reading that. Makes me so homesick. What a sad story but such a good reminder to not take ANYTHING for granted. Thanks for sharing that Dez. I can't wait to come home and hug and kiss all your boys!(even if they don't want me to!)

Curtiss & Ginger said...

SOO sad... but such a beautiful post. I loved it, it made me emotional. You are such a great mom! I LOVE that picture too!! What a good message to share, I loved it!

Hendriksen Happenings said...

Oh geez!! So sad!!! But what an amazing perspective to have and share with everyone else. Definately something to always remember...

Amy said...

This story just added to my emotions today. My sister just broke up with her boyfriend a few days ago, a good thing, but she is so tired of being lonely. A S-I-L just miscarried after finally getting pregnant. They have been married 12 years this summer. My heart aches for both of them and it's hard knowing there is nothing I can do for them but pray.