Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Book Review- Fireworks Over Toccoa

Thanks to 5 Minutes For Books, I received an advance readers' edition of Jeffrey Stepakoff’s new book Fireworks Over Toccoa from St. Martin’s Press, with the requirement to post a review of the novel on my blog.
It actually started out somewhat confusing. The author switched back and forth between the present and past so I had to keep going back to remember the character's names and the dates associated with them. Later on this wasn't an issue because I knew the characters well enough, however when I was just getting to know them, it was very confusing. This book was a very easy read and had no bad language however I probably should have paid much better attention to what the book was about before agreeing to receive the book. I thought it was just going to be a good love story. It definitely was a love story but I didn't like the circumstances of the main couple. I didn't agree with what they chose to do and I especially didn't like the length love scene. Although at the end of the book, I was getting a little emotional, which shows it was well written and the author developed the characters well. I'm pretty sure anyone that reads this has the same standards as me, and I would not recommend this book to any of you.

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