Wednesday, September 1, 2010

first day of kindergarten

Cole started Kindergarten on Monday. He was nothing but excited for it. He did get a little nervous and was holding on to me once we got to the school (I think he thought I was just going to take him to the door and leave.) Once we got inside the class he found his name tag and chair and got right to work, he didn't even seem to care or notice when I was leaving. He rode the bus home the first day which just made him look so big as he was getting off of it. When he was telling me about it, he loved everything except that "it was SO long".  

waiting in his class line before his teacher came out to get the class (it was cold and I didn't think to have him grab a jacket cause who needs a jacket in August?!)

getting right to work on his worksheet


Hendriksen Happenings said...

Awww!! He looks so cute and little, yet grown up!! I love it when they wear the huge backpacks too :)

Curtiss & Ginger said...

:) this post totally made me smile! I cant believe he is in kindergarten! yikes! Your boys are getting too old! He looks so dang cute in every single picture!! Love it! and I agree with Tara, the huge backpacks are so funny and cute!

Christie // lemon squeezy home said...

I can't believe he's in kindergarten! Our kids need to stop growing up!!!